A Data-Driven Cast AI Alternative: PerfectScale

Safely reduce K8s costs, while promoting a more resilient environment.

PerfectScale vs. Cast at a glance
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PerfectScale - Gartner Cool Vendor 2023 Badge
Ensure peak Kubernetes performance at the lowest possible cost.
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Responsible Cost Optimization
Eliminate wasted resources without impacting K8s stability and performance
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Autonomous K8s Optimization
Effortlessly and continuously fine-tune your environment for optimal performance and cost efficiency
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Advanced Resiliency and Performance Optimization
Instant identification and autonomous remediation of under-provisioning issues that can cause latency and evictions
All-in-One Automated Cloud Cost Optimization
Cast.ai promotes itself as an all-encompassing cloud cost optimization platform, emphasizing automation and simplicity. Their main value is reducing Kubernetes costs through node rightsizing, with some basic capabilities into workload rightsizing. Their heavy focus on cost reduction can leave blind spots when optimizing environments for resiliency and stability. In general, Cast.ai focuses more on broad strategies compared to the detailed, context-aware optimizations provided by PerfectScale. 

Feature Comparison

Understand the differences between PerfectScale and Cast.

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OOTB Supported Cloud Platforms
AWS LogoAzure logoGoogle Cloud Logo
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RedHat OpenShift logo
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On-Prem or KOps
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K8s Cost and Utilization Visibility
Workload visibility and allocation
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Workload-level utilization visibility
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Ephemeral workload cost visibility & allocation 
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Workload wasted cost forecast
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Visibility into code revision history
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Visibility into HPA details and amount of replicas
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Node-level cost and allocation
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Node-level utilization visibility
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Node group support
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Idle node space visibility 
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Cost Optimization
Cost optimization recommendations
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Request recommendations: CPU and Memory
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Limit recommendations: CPU and Memory
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Minus Mark
HPA optimization insights  
(Replica utilization & low trigger configurations)
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Minus Mark
Custom grouping of ephemeral workloads
(Spark, AirFlow, Jobs, Runners, etc)
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Performance Optimization
Automatic resiliency risk prioritization
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Customizable resilience issue alerts
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Issue identification & resolution: OOM & CPU throttling  
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Suspected Memory Leak indications
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HPA performance insights  
(Hitting replica limits & risky trigger configurations)
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Frequent restarts & evictions indications
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Autonomous cost optimization
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Autonomous resilience risk remediation
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Minus Mark
Accounts for code changes and HPA configuration
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GitOps automated actions
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Support and Administration
Global support & Documentation
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SOC 2 Compliant
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Low Total Cost of Owenership
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Minus Mark
Optimization Specialists
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Multi factor authentication
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Single Sign On (OOTB)
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"Within a matter of weeks, the intelligence we got from PerfectScale helped safely optimize our environment, significantly reducing costs and improving our application’s performance and resiliency. We have yet to see another tool in the market that effectively and accurately optimizes Kubernetes environments like PerfectScale does."

Richard Sayd

Sr. Director of Cloud Architecture
@ Paramount Pictures

“We were able to reduce resiliency issues by 90%. PerfectScale is removing time-consuming manual tasks we have faced in the past, making it easy to continuously maintain our system’s health and cost-effectiveness.”

Ben Hoffman

R&D Director of
Solidus Labs

“ With PerfectScale’s recommendations, we were able to reduce costs of our Dev environment by rough $60k a year, without compromising the stability of the environment.”

Amit Daniel

Director of DevOps
at proTeantecs

"With PerfectScale, it has never been easier for our DevOps and SRE teams to identify resilience issues caused by under-provisioned resources. With a few clicks, we are able to quickly address these issues and improve our application's performance."

Avitsadok Tsadok

Cloud and Infrastructure
Architect at Personetics 

Reduce Costs. Improve Performance.
No Code Changes Needed.

PerfectScale Unique Differentiators

99.99 K8s availability in an environment that is running as lean as possible.

Automated cost and performance optimization

PerfectScale saves valuable time and resources by autonomously fine-tuning your K8s environment. Automated actions can be seamlessly integrated with your existing GitOps processes, ensuring that all changes are in sync with your deployment workflow. This leads to continuous results without manual interventions.

Comprehensive right-sizing recommendations

PerfectScale’s recommendations are practical, and understand your unique usage pattern, code changes, node capacity, and HPA configurations.  Additionally, we provide complete recommendations for both requests and limits, that allow you to optimize safely while preventing common issues that cause CPU throttling, out-of-memory errors, or pod evictions.

Complete visibility in a simplified interface

PerfectScale provides a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easier for users to navigate and extract valuable insights and predictive analytics that help you understand the impact of taking optimization actions. 

Simple Stateless agent deployment

To get started, PerfectScale requires only the deployment of a simple, stateless agent within the user’s Kubernetes clusters. This agent collects the necessary data and metrics and communicates them back to the PerfectScale SaaS platform, all with a minimal footprint and no additional overhead. 


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Does PerfectScale offer a free Trial?

Yes! PerfectScale offers a free, 30-day trial of our solutions, available for all of your clusters. Each trial comes with a complimentary "Optimization Session", in which one of our technical specialists will help you review your results and provide you insights that can help streamline your optimization process. You can start a trail here.

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Is PerfectScale SOC 2 Compliant?

Yes, the security of your cluster data is a top priority, and we are SOC II Type 2 Compliant. Our SOC II report can be made available to those in an active trial.

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Is PerfectScale Available on the AWS Marketplace?

Yes, you can start a trial and purchase subscription licensing directly on the AWS Marketplace. You can find our listing here.

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Does PerfectScale require Prometheus to be installed on our clusters?

No, unlike other optimization solutions, PerfectScale does not require Prometheus to provide insights into your environment. You simply need to install a single stateless agent that will require a minimal footprint and ongoing maintenance.

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Does PerfectScale have any integrations or an Open-API?

Yes, PerfectScale has OOTB integrations with collaboration tools (like Slack and MS Teams), ticketing tools (like JIRA), various SSO solutions, and much more. You can view our full list of integrations here.  

Additionally, PerfectScale has an Open-API that is available to customers who have subscribed to our Expert Plan.

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